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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beach Day with Besties

I am so scared to go to the beach alone with my crew. I know that Soren and Anders are alright, though it makes me a little nervous that they are getting more and more comfortable with the ocean, venturing farther and farther out to make boogie boarding more exciting.  And Oskar doesn't move too fast.  But Karsten, man.  It's definitely Karsten that's likely to give me a heart attack.  He loves the water and waves and he doesn't pay attention to much else around him, like where his mommy is or where our "beach site" is.  He's a drowning and roaming hazard. So, I usually avoid the beach altogether and ESPECIALLY avoid the beach in the summer.  I always avoid the beach in the summer.  I don't like crowds.  Or heat.  Basically, I'm a wuss.

BUT, all that is beside the point.  The point is that IN SPITE of all that, I went to the beach!  In the summer! And all thanks to my best friend, Amanda.  She gives a mean pep talk.  And guess what?  We all had a great time.  It was simultaneously empowering and relaxing.  I love Amanda.  Soren and Anders love Corban. Karsten, of course, adores his girls (as he calls them).  And Oskar just likes to be outside. Anywhere outside.  :D  This particular beach day was replete with all things summer: sand drip castles, marine layer, eating sand, abominable sandmen, boogie boarding, crazy Asian kids trying to catch something in the water (we have no idea what, but it was so funny watching them), digging a hole to China, playing in said hole, buckets, water, palm trees, tourists, lifeguards, dolphins (yes!), one lone sea lion, tackle football, and a GORGEOUS sunset to top it all off.  It was crazy how we got there at about 3pm and the beach was completely cloud-covered with marine layer, and then, the marine layer simply drifted north and left us with clear, sunny skies just in time for a beautiful sunset.

It was a perfect beach day.

I can't wait to go again.

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1 comment:

lindsey. said...

Yay! Here's to brave mamas everywhere. We rule the world!

(And here's to brave dadas who aren't afraid to visit their sandy, wet kids in their work clothes.)