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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mission Bay with Friends

I’m pretty sure Mission Bay has been featured in post titles many, many times on this blog.  We love Mission Bay.  And we especially love Mission Bay on Sundays.  There are runners and walkers and bikers and BBQers, kids and parents, lovers and loners.  And then there are the roller skaters.  Every Sunday at Mission Bay, right by the Hilton Hotel, there is a roller skating club that sets up their DJ table, big speakers, and caution cones before wowing the onlookers and passers-by with choreographed, synchronized skating routines.  Our tradition is to park far away from the skaters and mosey our way toward them along the path.  We are always in people-watching heaven, and Soren and Anders enjoy the freedom and fresh ocean air while racing each other on their scooters.  Karsten is a typical toddler and flutters rapidly between running, riding his bumper car, sitting in the stroller, touching everything, wandering off, chasing birds, adding bruises to his ever-growing bruise collection, and crying over said bruises.  Oskar sleeps.

Anyway, this particular Sunday, with my wonderful mother accompanying us, we took a stroll with our friends the Cranes and Allens.  Gary and Bliss (the Allens) brought their roller skates and skated along to the beat of the music, telling the tale of their happy meeting at a roller skating rink, wowing us with their rusty skills (seriously, they kept saying how out of practice they were, but they were skating into cartwheels and “dancing” all over the place – definite skills, people).  Altogether, we had nine children riding their bikes, scooters, trikes, and running all around us.  It was happy chaos.  I love these people.

Watching the roller skatersCruisingAndersGary chases MiaSorenMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (9 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (10 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (11 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (13 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (15 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (16 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (17 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (18 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (20 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (21 of 23) resized TBFMission Bay with Cranes & Allens (23 of 23) resized TBF

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