The Chief got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day which also happened to help with the Young Women's fund raising efforts for camp. My favorite of the whole bouquet was this lovely flower which I'm sure one of you reading this blog could identify for me. I have NO knowledge of plant names. None. Zip. Zilch. So dry is my horticulture well-of-knowledge, in fact, that I am slightly embarrassed to post this post and ask this question. Help. What is this flower? Anyone?
It's a type of lily. I want to say star-gazer lily, but I am not sure. They look lovely planted in gardens. We had a couple of different ones in our yard in pittsburgh. They come in all different colors are really stunning.
I was going to say Lily too. But even more importantly, did you happen to get a shot of the whole bouquet? I meant to get a picture of one for us to use next year when we try to sell them and I never did!
Yeah, it's a stargazer for sure. Really spectacular.
Yep, that's a stargazer lily! Aren't they beautiful? They smell so amazing too. But beware those yellow/orange things in the center. If they get on your clothes, skin, counter, etc., they will stain them yellow. I usually snip them off so I don't have to worry about it.
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