Ari and Jude got all bundled up like marshmallows and made it out only to last about three minutes before the crying started. I don't think they had eaten breakfast yet, so they weren't too happy about being shooed outside with the rest of us. Check out Jude's face in the following pictures. You just don't know the definition of stubborn until you've met this character. He absolutely refuses to be coaxed to do . . . well . . . anything really. His actions have to be on his terms and his terms only. I have this thing I do with my camera. It's a really brilliant thing, if I do say so myself (pat, pat, pat). I tell whatever kid I'm photographing that if they look really closely into my camera and smile, Lightening McQueen (or Cinderella, if it's a girl) will wink at them. Then, when the shutter closes, I get all excited and say, "
Did you see it?! Did you see him (her) wink at you?! No? Well, let's try again, then. Look a little closer this time. Smile a little bigger." It works pretty well most of the time. Just look at the two successive pictures of Ari stone faced and then grinning from ear to ear. Jude, however, never cracked a smile. Not even a fraction of a smile. He has the most smoldering smolder I've ever beheld. No, scratch that, he doesn't stare fire, he stares daggers. Blue steel. Doesn't he just look like a children's clothing model in these pictures?! It would never work out, though, since his 'look' screams, "buy my clothes or I'll hunt you down and make you wish you'd never seen this magazine." Boy, I have a lot of respect for my sister and her husband, they have to be really, really creative people to navigate this child through life. Jude is a crack up and I love him all the more for his strong personality.
*Notice the pile of crepes in front of a very content Ari? Food is key. Food = smiles. :D
oh my goodness you guys have some cute little boys!! Jude is just adorable! I love his little pout. ha ha
ah hahaha! I love that glare! Love it. True that he won't do anything unless he really wants to! You'll have to see Jarem's pics of him at Temple Square...whew, that was like pulling teeth. :) And the crepes picture made me hungry.
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