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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Evening Prayers & Temporary Insanity

Last night when I crawled into bed, I randomly blurted out, "Couples that pray together, stay together!" (I've been reading too many bumper stickers). The Chief laughed and we decided that it was my turn. I pondered for a minute and then told The Chief about my discomfort with praying lying down. I've always been taught that we should fold our arms, bow our heads, and kneel to pray. But I was still in a goofy mood when I asked, "Would Heavenly Father rather I prayed lying down or not pray at all?" The Chief started laughing again and I realized that it probably doesn't help my cause to be giving God ultimatums. So, I gave in to my weary body and set about praying lying down. "Heavenly Father...." And that's about as far as I got before I busted up laughing hysterically. You see, apparently I always start my prayers by saying, "We kneel before thee," or "We bow our heads before thee...," something I hadn't realized until that moment. When I got control of myself, I was able to explain my dilemma to The Chief: "I don't want to say, 'We lie before thee to give thee thanks....'" Then it was The Chief's turn to chuckle. "Liz," he said, "you don't have to tell Him what we're doing. I think He knows." So of course, I started laughing again. It was late. I was tired. Laughing + tired = temporary insanity. I like temporary insanity. It's like letting go for a moment. At any rate, I finally got a hold of myself and said our prayer (lying down) and drifted off to sleep feeling good that I had communicated with my Father in Heaven, but knowing that I could probably be more humble and respectful next time.


Brooklet said...

I have been taught the same thing, and I know I am going to get lectured for writing this, but for my personal prayers, I feel like it is so much better when I am lying down- my prayers are so much more personal than when I kneel down- because I am always aware that I am kneeling, rather than freely talking to Heavenly Father. I know, at some point, I will realize I need to change. Until then. . .

Marcia said...

Is this love and heart page a little early? Are we in February or January?

Your dad starts laughing sometimes when he is falling asleep. He's so tired he can't help it.

Nice thoughts, great pictures at the top. Side burns are a little long.

Liz said...

Brooke, I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers to pray lying down. I get uncomfortable on my knees. Lying down lets me settle in for a nice, long conversation. The only problem I forsee is that it will be hard to convince my children that I do pray if they never see me on my knees. :)

Liz said...

Mom, it's never to early for a change. I giggle when I get in bed sometimes too. I sort of wiggle and giggle and settle in. It just feels so nice sometimes to lie down after a long, hard day. I must have gotten that from Dad. Dan's side burns were not too long, you've just been a little to sensitive to hairstyles as the MTC president's wife. :) You seem to make hairstyles and clothing your personal crusade whenever you're on a mission. :)

Scott and Karin said...

Can I tell you what? Scott has gotten me into the habit of praying while we are lying down in bed right before we go to sleep. I feel guilty about it sometimes and will try to kneel or at least sit up and inevitably a few nights later I'm laying down right next to him. It makes me feel so much better that we're not the only ones who have that problem!

Lisa/Scott said...

I continually struggle with the lying down thing...I felt guilty like you and insisted to Scott that we get down on our knees and pray, and we did great for a while, but somehow slipped back into the laying in bed mode. I think it's cause instead of getting down on the floor after a while we would kneel down on the bed and slowly sank back into the bed. Morning prayers have always been in bed however, since Scott gets up early and I'm like a zombie in the early morning. I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one.

Jarem Frye said...

Hey, we're all like that! The good thing is- we're all praying. :)

Heather said...


Megan said...

Thanks for the post- it made me laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels too tired to climb all the way out of bed to my knees. But I think He understands.
PS- LOVE the background- you are so technologically (really a word?) savvy!

Liz said...

Thanks Megan. It's nice to know that there are other people out there who experience the same difficulty I do when it comes to praying. :) I'm also glad that you like the blog layout. Technologically is a word, but I wouldn't call myself savvy...not by a long shot!

Jarem, you make a great point. It is good that we're all praying! You must be a "cup half full" person. :)

Lauren said...

Ditto Liz. You hit a nerve, I think! There are a million reasons... it's cold out there, knees hurt, one of you was already in bed and doesn't want to get out... :)