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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Smoke Pictures

These are pictures that we took as we were leaving San Diego. They really don't do the situation justice. We had to drive through the thickest, dirtiest, darkest smoke I've ever been in. It was eerie. I didn't think to take pictures until we were emerging. I wish I had some while we were actually in the thick of it. It was crazy. The air quality at our home was so bad when we left. I'm sure there will be lots of clean-up when we get home...if they ever let us go home. :) The fire our home is "threatened" by is the Witch Creek Fire. So far it's just moving around the area our home is in, so hopefully that will remain the case and we'll have a home to return to. We are still under mandatory evacuation, though, so we will remain holed up in Huntington Beach until we hear differently.

I took this picture so you could see the contrast. This is taken northward toward Orange County with the San Diego fires behind us.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

awesome pictures stay safe