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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Who Does Bugga Look Like Most?

Well, it's official...I WON! He looks like me! :) I want to thank all those out there who voted for me. I'd like to thank my mother and father for their contributions to Bugga's appearance. Apparently, they won out over the Bagel genes. :) I'd like to thank my husband for letting me have Bugga. I'd like to thank Buddha...for not beating Bugga up so as to change his appearance. I'd like to thank The Producers of my life, without whom I would not have Bugga. Of course I can't forget to thank my body as well - without it's dedication, Bugga would not be the hefty, healthy size-18-month baby that he is. And I'd especially like to thank my fans...all of you...for thinking Bugga looks like me. Ah, I'm such a proud Mama. :)


Brooklet said...

Congrats! Job well done!

Lisa/Scott said...

I'm proud to say that I voted for you too. (:

Lisa said...

I voted for you too! Anders looks a lot like you. His face shape and his big brown eyes. He is such a cute kid.

Marcia said...

Where are the video clips? I just saw empty spaces between each announcement of a video.

Anonymous said...

This is Dad, and I have to admit that I didn't even know there was a vote being taken. (Show's you I'm living on a different planet.) Wow. I've never been thanked for my genes in my whole life. I'll have to pass the compliment on to generations before me. Man! You've got to stop so much growth . . . Mom and I are not going to be able to play with any BABIES when we get there! Oh well, there will stay be plenty to hug - according to your physical reports. Love, Dad