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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Monday, November 12, 2007

Buddha's Birthday Pictures

Well, they're a little late in coming, but better late than never, right?! We had a great time at Buddha's birthday party. He had a few friends come over, which meant that The Chief and I also had a few friends over (the kids' parents). :) It worked out great! The kids played and the parents chatted. We went to Party City a few days before Buddha's party and he finally settled on having a Curious George party. It was fun to decorate for it...and rather easy (note the decorative bananas on the food table). It was a success and now I'm struggling to figure out what to do for Bugga's birthday. I'm sure it'll come...probably at the last minute. Happy Birthday, Buddha!


Jacqui said...

It looks like you all had a great time. I wish we could have been there to help celebrate! Happy Birthday Soren!

Scott and Karin said...

Happy Birthday, Soren and Happy Birthday on Sunday for Anders! I can't believe they are so big!