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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— William Butler Yeats
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Blog Buddies

My sister wants to know who everybody is that comments on our blog and how we know you all. :) So, here you go, Auntie. I made this a blog post so that I could include your blog sites (if you have one), so she could have faces to go with names.

1. Brooke is my freshman roommate
(comment name shows as "brooklet")

2. Angie is also my freshman roommate

3. Tiffany is a college roommate
(can't remember what year I was in school then)

4. Abby is a college roommate
(comment name shows as "abby")

5. Lisa F. is a friend from high school
(comment name shows as "lisa")

6. Lisa I. is a friend from high school
(comment name shows as "scottnlisa")

7. Karin is a friend from my old ward
(comment name shows as "scott & karin")

8. Jolene is a friend from that same old ward
(comment name shows as "jolene")

9. Kari is a friend from that same old ward
(comment name shows as "kari")

And, apart from family, those are the people who usually comment on our blog. We're glad they do...it's always fun to hear from our friends and family!



Lisa said...

Hey Liz, you have mistaken my identity. I am Lisa F. and my comments are under just lisa. Lisa I. is under scottnlisa. I'll forgive you this once.

Liz said...

Ha ha ha! That's funny! I totally sat there thinking about it, too, just to make sure I got it right. I guess maybe I over-thought it. :) Forgiveness appreciated. :)

Lisa/Scott said...

Yeah, I saw that and thought about saying something and figured you'd figure it out and fix it sooner or later. haha!

Sara said...

Hey thanks Elizabeth!! Wow, I thought they were all weird family members from West Virginia (ie mullets) that I'd never met. Good to know they're your friends from BYU and wards...hi everyone!