Okay guys, I need you to give me the names of some good books you enjoy. Here's what I'm looking for: something light and entertaining (reading is my escape); science fiction welcome; quality author with good imagination and no profanity or other questionable material. I've hit a slump now that I've finished book eleven of Robert Jordan's
Wheel of Time series and have to wait who knows how long for the final book to be completed. By the way, Sue, book eleven was great! Lots of the usual twists and turns with awesome cliffhangers, of course. I'm counting on you guys (assuming anyone is even reading our blog - that's for you, Brooke). :)
thanks for all the help Liz!! I am not tech savvy but I will play around with it and see what I come up with . I have a friend who is getting into blogging and she was really impressed with your page and my sister's so kudos to you!
And about books. I say start reading some classics! I love Jane Austin. Anything by her is great. But, to keep it modern my mom loves Mary Higgins Clark. I like Nicholas Sparks but I'm really waiting for the seventh harry potter. Other than these books I'm mostley reading about early childhood education, healthy living and personal finance. I'm like you though i love to have my nose in a good book!
I just finished The Count of Monte Cristo. Ever read it? I was surprised at how much of a page turner it was. I also like the Anne of Green Gables series. Another good one that I like is Jane Eyre. I know some people think the Bronte sisters aren't great, but I really liked that one. I'm all about the classics...you almost never have to worry about content.
PS-Park was born on the 20th. I think they are only a few days apart. They are lots of fun!
I love reading a good book too. One that I read recently was Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. It is a fantasy. It is really easy reading and enjoyable. They are actually making it into a "major motion picture." I also like the book called Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. It is a fantasy but also has some romance in it. Let me know if you want to borrow any of them.
I second Count of Monte Cristo- I loved it. Though I think I read the adbrideged version.
I love all of Jane Austin, the only one's i haven't read are Northanger Abby, and Persuasion- but my sister said persuasion has become one of her favorites.
For really light reading- HP, if you haven't already, you need to!!!
Also the Twilight series is pretty good. It sounds far fetched and has a little to much chick lit talk in it, but for some reason I am hooked on the story line.
I loved These is my Words- it seems like a book you would really like.
For some fast but good reads, I loved Walk two moons- its in the juvenille section, but it is really good. Same with "Holes" if you haven't read it, you need to.
Sorry this is so long. I, too, am always looking for good books, so send any recommendations this way.
I always reread books too...The Anne books are better than the movies in my opinion...though I love the movies too.
Oh man, I have so many books I love...Leon Uris (old ones, not his new ones- full of profanity), Michael Crichton (same as Uris), M.M. Kaye (mom introduced me to these books- awesome historical fiction), Jeffrey Archer (granny), and Frank Peretti's two books- This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness (very interesting viewpoint of angels helping us in this life- still fiction though). I also like Mark Twain. Can't stand mushy stuff like Jane Austin. :) Sorry guys. But my all time fav book has got to be "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Good luck finding it though...an Irish friend sent it to me a long time ago. So funny- I laughed all the way through it. British humor about Armageddon. Let me quote the back of the book- "Good Omens is frequently hilarious, littered with funny footnotes and eccentric characters. It's also human, intelligent, suspenseful, and fully equipped with a chorus of 'Tibetans, Aliens, Americans, Atlanteans and other rare and strange creatures of the Last Days'. If the end is near, count me in". Well, there you have it.
Thanks guys, and keep them coming! These are all great suggestions. If you think of anything else, let me know. I love the classics (I've read all of Jane Austen...and Persuasion is a great one, Brooke!), but they're not as light of reading as I'm looking for. I want books that you can't put down (though that makes it a bit hard to be a mom). :) I promise I'll exercise control of my insatiable appetite. I miss the Wheel of Time. I'm afraid the author might die before he finishes the last book (he has amyloidosis - a heart condition). Isn't that terrible of me? I can't stand the thought of not knowing how it all ends after I've just mowed through 11 huge books! He's a great writer with an unbelievable imagination. If anyone wants some great reading material check out the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. I wasn't so big on science fiction, but I gave it a try and got really hooked! It's been an awesome few months of reading, but I feel lost now. Time to find another series to get addicted to. :)
How about the Quran? It's even more exciting than Isaiah. ;)
I like Jerry Borrowman books. Stories about WWI and WWII with a fictional LDS family.
I absolutely loved the "Children of the Promise" series by Dean Hughes. Another story that follows a fictional LDS family through WWII.
The "Prelude to Glory" series is good too. Revolutionary War. Hmmm, it seems I just read things about war. Not true! I like romantic stories too, but I usually get that through movies.
I really like C.S. Lewis...especially the Great Divorce. Easy read, but very interesting.
I'm excited for the new Harry Potter book to come out as well.
Dan also loves the Robert Jordan series. He re-reads every book when a new one comes out. He is anxious for the last one too.
Dad has already told you his all-time favorite series: PRELUDE TO GLORY. If you want, you can wait til we return and then borrow ours: the books or the cassette tapes -- I have the whole series in print and recorded. Entertaining and enlightening!
Wow, thanks guys! I will definitely be armed with a great, long list of good book titles/authors when I visit the library next. :) I appreciate the help. I've been spending way too much time on the computer lately to compensate for my lack of reading material. :)
Elizabeth, Kite Runner has been on the New York Times bestseller list for weeks. Try it. I hear it is excellent. Our old book club in the sixth ward is reading it. They love it.
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