Here's my wonderful parents serving their mission in Guatemala! Looks like they're workin' hard, huh? Ice cream and sunny beaches! :) Just kidding. They really do work hard. We know they love the mission, but we're looking forward to having them home again in January.
Looking good, Brother and Sister Ogden!! And if a mission is all ice cream and sunny beaches- sign me up!!
Your parents are so cute! Hey, I need a little help. How did you get pics on your header? I can't figure it out. And my nails are real not acrylics (sp?) I got the tips for my wedding, the only time I've ever gotten fake nails. They were fun but didn't last long.
I didn't realize your parents were coming home so soon. That is great! I am sure they are so excited to hold their darling grandkids.
As we're excited for them to hold the darling grandkids...and take them off our hands for a bit. haha. Mom! Sexy legs. :) Come to think of it- I haven't seen you or dad in a swimsuit in....wow, ages. I have a little Brazilian bikini here if you'd like...too cold in Oregon for it, plus I'm fat. :) Ooo, Daniel's going to lecture me for having a bikini. Oh hey, did I tell you Elizabeth? We found Daniel's future wife!! She's super cute, and just returned from her mission to some Spanish-speaking country. Perfect. Okay, now I'll stop.
Sara, you're awesome! As random as usual. :) What are you doing with a bikini? I've decided that there are very few people in this world who can actually pull off wearing a bikini without making the rest of us gag. I am definitely not one of them, and most people who do wear them do not fall under that blessed few. I'm gagging just thinking of the girl who was at our pool in her bikini the other day when we took the boys swimming. Just picture a lumpy feather pillow stuffed into a size small bikini. Not a nice visual, is it? Yeah, the real thing was not so nice either.
Repent Sara! You need to wear a full burka while swimming. Oh, and walk 10 steps behind your husband when you are in public.
Hey, what's wrong with lumpy feather pillows? :)
Nothing's wrong with them so long as they aren't wearing dental floss. :)
HAHAHA! My family is funny. Dental floss! And a full burka while walking 10 steps behind my man! That is hilarious. Ask Jarem-anytime he's walking too fast ahead of me, I tell him he's acting like a Muslim man. I know, not very PC of me.
I didn't know they were in Guatemala...I'm jealous. I love south america. I need to go there!
Tell Lisa to come on down to Guatemala. We'll share the fleas, lice, and parasites. Actually, we enjoy the weather all the time, all year long. We read about the heat in Utah, the cold in Oregon, the drought in California, and it's hard to imagine it while we are surrounded with 75 degree weather almost day in and day out. That was a run-on sentence.
You just told Lisa yourself, Mom. She reads this blog. :) Okay, Lisa, I'm going to try to get this right, but I may be way off...so please feel free to correct me. Lisa is half Peruvian and she served her mission in Bolivia. She really does love South America. She recently put her mission pictures on her blog (I loved them, by the way) and then proceeded to tell us all how much she misses her mission. I'm glad it was such a great experience for you, Lisa...or at least memorable! :)
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